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Pastor David, Truth Talk Alumnus
Giving Voice to Truth's Truth Talks are transformational experience — an opportunity to build meaningful, honest relationships across racial lines.
See what Truth Talk alumni are saying about their experience.
This workshop has helped me see things differently, to ask more in-depth questions, and to seek God's leading in searching my heart for ways that He may wish for me to change so that I can do my part in helping create more unity within the Church!
Truth Talk Alumnus
This workshop has allowed me to better understand how history connects to the present, the depth of the brokenness and sin in our society, my own role in that brokenness, and a path towards healing.
Jared, Truth Talk Alumnus
Randy, Truth Talk Alumnus
Rusty, Truth Talk Alumnus
Wilfred, Truth Talk Alumnus
This workshop provided a safe platform to openly discuss our own personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences regarding racism. This was an excellent workshop, and it laid the pathway to continue these discussions among ourselves with other races and particularly the Christian community.
Truth Talk Alumnus
Steve, Truth Talk Alumnus
The workshop opened my eyes to the need for believers to openly discuss the issues that separate us because of race.
Leon, Truth Talk Alumnus
This workshop has been instrumental in shaping my understanding of Black history at an intellectual level. But at a heart level, I have come to understand more deeply just how de-humanizing racism is and has been for my Black brothers and sisters. I am grateful for the leadership of Pastor Kimble in bringing a new perspective on how racism at its core is a spiritual issue and how the church can be more active in addressing a part of our culture and history.
Jim, Truth Talk Alumnus
The historical impact of racism in America was eye opening for me. Although I had some understanding of this, I did not realize how widespread and systemic it was and in some cases still is. I very much appreciated the relationships built in the process.
Lin, Truth Talk Alumnus
Tom, Truth Talk Alumnus
The workshop allowed me to build bridges toward improving racial relations by creating a space to have candid discussions, share thought-provoking information, and establish great cross-cultural relationships.
Scott, Truth Talk Alumnus
I have been a part of similar discussions in the past, but this discussion was the first one that forced me to look within and determine the spiritual and historical roots of the racial issues we face as a country. I was challenged, educated, confronted, and transformed. Transformation is a journey, and for me, Truth Talks was a necessary first step.
Pastor Harris,
Truth Talk Alumnus
This opened my eyes more widely to the prevalence of bias and prejudice and how it affects Black people today. It grew my understanding and empathy and desire to be an active part of change.
Bill, Truth Talk Alumnus
Patrick, Truth Talk Alumnus
This workshop was an answer to the prayer of my heart.
Rick, Truth Talk Alumnus
This workshop has given me the opportunity to express my true feelings about race with others who do not look like me. It has also allowed me to hear the hearts of others about race and how we all should work together to improve racial relations.
Randy, Truth Talk Alumnus
Hearing all of the stories from everyone really made a deep impact on me, praying to God during all of our sessions, growing my faith even further
Ellen, Truth Talk Alumnus
I really appreciated the way honest dialogue was encouraged through love and empathy. I am more hopeful than ever that I can eliminate my own biases, develop new relationships, and contribute to overcoming injustice in our communities.
Patrick, Truth Talk Alumnus
Bill, Truth Talk Alumnus
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