"Giving Voice to Truth: God's Heart for Racial Unity"

The Holy Spirit creates a safe space for personal revelation:
Creating radical personal change
Assessing the condition of the human soul
Fostering sensitivity and emotional connection
Revealing our human frailties

Giving Voice to Truth provides a platform for building cultural bridges by providing truthful illumination:
Teaching the real historical impact of slavery
Educating on past and present racial injustice
Discovering our cultural families of origin

​We learn practical exercises to demonstrate the love of Jesus and produce unification:
Applying divine compassion
Embracing our new identity
Engaging in "Truth Talks" and healthy discussion
Living life across the racial divide
Hello, my name is Erven Kimble, founder of Life Anew Ministries. Welcome to Giving Voice to Truth! I need your help with this endeavor, to reveal God's heart for racial unity.
Sunday morning is still the most segregated hour in America. White Evangelicals and Black Churches are on opposite ends of the spectrum with little or no visible common ground between them. What does this say about culture? It says, to me, much prayer is needed.